Plastic-free July
It’s July and it’s also an important reminder for us to go plastic-free and celebrate Plastic-free July! Here are some easy tips on how to reduce your plastic footprint.
One easy step we can all take is to REDUCE our plastic use. For example, use canvas bags for shopping, buy wood toys instead of plastic toys, use paper straws, use glass or ceramic cups and glasses, use compostable garbage bags and wood tooth brushes.
From here, a great next step is to REUSE. Reuse plastic containers you already have, play with toys that older kids no longer use, get metal straws and use them again and again, utilize old plastic bags for garbage or picking up after your doggies.
And, the perfect follow-up to reducing and reusing is…? RECYCLE. Very little of the plastic we use gets recycled. So, if you find yourself using plastic, make sure you recycle it. Small pieces or black plastic are not “seen” by the detector systems, so try to reduce, so that you don’t end up having to recycle.
We hope you’ll join us this month for a plastic-free July!
Did you Know?
Plastic containers and packaging are the types of plastics most found (and least recycled) in the landfill. In the US, they add up to over 15M tons, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Plastics are found in shower curtains and even in disposable diapers.
In the US, we generated 35M tons of plastic (based on EPA data), of which we recycled only 2.9M tons, burned for energy 5.5M tons and the rest – a whopping 26.8M – ended up in landfills.
When it comes to plastic cups and plates, we generated 1M tons, burned 0.2M and threw away (ending up in landfills) 0.8M tons.
Believe it or not, we even consumed 4.1M tons of disposable diapers, of which 3.3M tons ended up in landfills.
The planet needs us to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic!