Happy and Green 2020 Holidays!

  • December is upon us, and with it comes the fun and joy of the winter Holidays. To make your Holidays merry and green, we have a few, easy-to-follow points for you.

  • Decorations – get decorations that are energy efficient. Not only will they use less electricity, but they will also last longer, as LED lights are known to be very durable. Also, buy beeswax candles for your Holiday tables, and help invest in the disappearing bee population.

  • Tree – try to get a living, potted tree. After the Holidays, you can plant it somewhere in your garden, or you can use it again for a few years.

  • Presents – consider not wrapping the presents this year. If you prefer wrapping, use recycled paper (or up-cycle newspapers, for example) and make sure to recycle all paper you use during the holidays. Similarly, look to buy experiences, not things, for your loved ones, and you can all enjoy them and create memories together.

  • Food – we all enjoy our large holiday feasts. To go greener on your meals this season, shop locally. Support your local shops, and get fresher food. In addition, try to choose seasonal vegetables, as they will be better and will not have traveled thousands of miles to reach you.

  • Have a merry, jolly and green Holiday season!

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Did you know?

  • December is the National Giving Month.

  • In the US, we throw away about 25% more trash between Thanksgiving and December 31st than any other time of the year.

  • We discard an estimated 15 million Christmas trees.

  • About 40% of all battery sales happen during the Holidays.

  • Over 8,000 tons of wrapping papers (the equivalent of 50,000 trees) are used during the Holidays every year.

  • Artificial trees have 3 times the impact on climate change than natural trees.

  • In the US, we waste about 40% of the food we buy.

maria gagos